Allusion is the quotation, reference or mention, indirect and brief about something or someone. Usually, the allusion serves as a rhetorical mechanism that helps to exemplify a certain idea, putting it in...
Allowance is an amount that the employer pays to the employee, specifically to reimburse the expenses generated by the employee moving from his/her usual place of work, that is, when he/she is transferred...
Gym is an abbreviation of the English word gymnasium meaning “gym”. The term gym is informally used to refer to a place equipped with equipment for the practice of weight training,...
Anime or anime (as it is said in Brazil) is the name given to the type of cartoon produced in Japan. However, according to the Japanese concept of anime, this term is used to classify...
Muquirana is a feminine noun originating from the Tupi term moki'rana which means louse. Muquirana can also be synonymous with dirt, or can be used to qualify a greedy person. Muquirana is...
Absence is a noun in Portuguese referring to the action of removing and removing someone or something from a certain place or situation. Absence is the condition that an individual presents when he...
A vote is the official manifestation that declares the voter's preference in an electoral process. Also known as suffrage, the vote is the mechanism that defines the result of an election, representing the...
Panting is the state of the person who is panting, that is, the person whose breathing is fast, out of step or who is breathing with difficulty. The word breathless, grammatically, is an adjective of two...
Parchment is a word originating from the Greek term pergamene, and serves to describe an object made from the skin of some animals, on which it is possible to write. Furthermore, the word parchment also...
Megalomaniac is someone who is fascinated by everything that is exaggerated, an attitude popularly called "greatness mania". For psychology, the megalomaniac is one who suffers from a disorder of...
Homo habilis is a species of human evolution already extinct, belonging to the class of hominids, considered the first human being properly so called. This species derives from the evolution of the australopithecus...
Silepsis is a writing resource in which the agreement does not occur according to the terms of the sentence, but to the idea that one wants to convey. As in "the violent São Paulo", where the word violent is in the...
Antibodies are proteins that act on the immune system as defenders of the living organism against bacteria, viruses and other foreign bodies. Human antibodies are classified as proteins...
To chance is an expression in Portuguese that means "randomly", "without direction", "without prior intention". The magician asked me to choose a card at random. (randomly) He was so crazy...
Absolute zero, or zero kelvin corresponds to a temperature of -273.15 °C or -459.67 °F. The concept of absolute zero was created by physicist William Thonsom and occurs when a body does not contain any energy,...