Popular Meanings (50)

Definition of Genocide

Genocide means the systematic extermination of people whose main motivation is differences in nationality, race, religion and, above all, ethnic differences. It is a practice that aims...

Meaning of Grantor

Grantor is the intervening party as interested party with a public deed, promissory contract, or any other type of contract. Grantor is the one who grants the deed, and the grantee is the one who receives. When a...

Definition of Redemption

Redemption is the act or effect of redeeming or redeeming, which means deliverance, rehabilitation, repair, salvation. It is the act of acquiring again, of rescuing, of taking from the power of others, from captivity. It's getting rid...

Definition of Hybrid

Hybrid because it is used to designate a type of animal or plant, a type of service, or a type of vehicle engine. Hybrid animal or plant are those bred by two distinct species...

meaning of city

City is a densely populated area where residential, commercial and industrial areas are grouped together. The meaning of city (urban area, urban environment) is opposed to that of countryside (rural area). City is the headquarters of...

Definition of Loyalty

Fidelity is a term originating from the Latin fidelis, which means an attitude of one who is faithful, one who is committed to what he assumes. It is a characteristic of one who is loyal, who is trustworthy,...

Meaning of Registration

Annotation is the act or effect of annotating, annotating, recording. It is writing in the margin of a title or record. The registration is a delegation of the public power, carried out by notaries, with the powers to register...

Definition of Epic

Epic or epic poem is a literary genre consisting of long lines that narrate stories of a people or a nation, involving adventures, wars, travels, heroic gestures, etc. Normally...

meaning of fraternity

Fraternity is a term derived from the Latin frater, which means "brother". For this reason, fraternity means kinship between siblings. Universal brotherhood designates the good relationship among men, in...

Definition of Discriminate and Discriminate

Describe and discriminate are considered paronyms in Portuguese, as they have similar spelling and pronunciation, but with totally different meanings. The verb "to discriminate" is...

meaning of solstice

Solstice is an astronomical event that signifies the beginning of summer or winter. It is the time of year when the Sun shines with the greatest intensity in one of the two hemispheres. During the solstice, the Sun...

meaning of axé

Axé, in the Yoruba language, means power, energy or strength present in each being or in everything. In Afro-Brazilian religions, the term represents the sacred energy of the orixás. Axé can be...


Candomblé is an Afro-Brazilian religion in which the cult of deities of African origin called orixás is practiced. Thus, despite being born in Bahia, in the 19th century, Candomblé was formed from...

Definition of Coffee Break

Coffee break is an expression in English that means "coffee break", which is often a break in the middle of a meeting where people have a snack and socialize. It's the name given to a break...

Definition of Stalkear

Stalkear is a word derived from the English stalker, which means “persecutor”. In this case, the Portuguese neologism means “act of persecuting”. The verb “stalkear” was created and disseminated...

Latest Meanings (134)

Meaning of the expression at willThe expression at ease means without restrictions, when there is...

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Popular Meanings (138)

Team MeaningA team is a group or group of individuals applied in carrying out the same task or wo...

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Latest Meanings (136)

Definition of Blue FlowerBlue flower means dream, utopia, mystery and infinity. It became a symbo...

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