Portuguese language (4)

Context meaning

Context is the set of physical or situational elements that help the recipient of the message to understand it. These elements characterize the text, which is a communication of ideas expressed through...

6 Examples of Ambiguity

Ambiguity is the characteristic of a word, expression or phrase that has a double meaning or that creates doubt as to its meaning. Ambiguity can be lexical or structural. It's lexical when the...

Meaning of Conduct

Conduct is a manifestation of the way an individual or group behaves in society, based on the beliefs, cultures, moral and ethical values ​​they follow. Usually this manifestation...

Definition of decoy

Bait is a kind of bait used in hunting and fishing that serves to attract animals, especially birds or fish. It is usually prepared with the objective of attracting the animal's attention,...

Priority meaning

Priority is the condition of something that needs to happen in an immediate, preferential or emergency way. Usually the priority is related to something important that occurs first in relation...

meaning of inhuman

Inhuman is an adjective that means cruel, perverse or inhumane. It is the opposite of the meaning used for human, in the sense of generous or charitable. Inhumanity is pointed out as a characteristic...

Meaning of Waiver

Renunciation is a term that characterizes the act or effect of denying or rejecting something or an attitude. Usually this action is related to the fact of giving up something, giving up an object or something...

meaning of freak

Oddly is an adjective used to qualify a situation, person or behavior that is considered out of the box or exotic. An unusual behavior or situation, because it is unusual,...

Meaning of propitious

Favorable is an adjective attributed to everything that is favorably disposed to grant favors or to do actions for the other. Usually this is a characteristic attributed to something or someone...

meaning of core

Core is a term that refers to a component or the most private and intimate part of a person. Typically, this term is used within a context where a person is confiding or revealing...

meaning of comic

Comic is an adjective attributed to everything that refers to theater turned to comedy. As a rule, comic refers to the artistic genre that entertains and stimulates laughter due to its scenic elements that...

Meaning of Contextualize

Contextualizing is the action of inserting a situation, an event or a speech that has some meaning in conjunction with the environment or theme in question. The fact of contextualizing is important for...

Definition of Socioeconomic

Socioeconomic is an adjective attributed to every practice that relates situations, circumstances and aspects that affect both the social order and the economy of a place or region. According to the new...

Nick Meaning

Nickname is an informal designation given to a person or place that replaces the name. It may be the way a person is popularly known or affectionately called. Nickname is a nickname. The term...

Definition of Descendant

Descending means "descending" or "descending". It is often used to define the kinship relationship between people or the origin of a family. The word can be used to refer to generations...

Popular Meanings (92)

Meaning of AnointingAnointing is a term originating from the Latin "ungere" which means "to anoin...

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Latest Meanings (92)

Meaning of the AztecsThe Aztecs were a pre-Columbian civilization that inhabited the region of pr...

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Latest Meanings (93)

Meaning of the Flag of GreeceThe flag of Greece is one of the national symbols of the European co...

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