Portuguese Language (10)

Meaning of Counterpart

Counterpart is the term used to refer to what is given in exchange for something, which opposes or corresponds to this thing. When something is offered in return, it means that it is being given in return or...

Meaning of Awareness

Awareness is a verb that refers to the act of becoming aware, that is, obtaining information, having knowledge about something or transmitting it to another person. Awareness is the process of...

meaning of bold

Bold is the quality of a person who is audacious, courageous and not afraid to take risks, whether physically or emotionally. Being bold is considered a compliment, as it conveys the idea that this...

meaning of fear

Fear is a feeling characterized by fear and insecurity in the face of some event considered negative. As a rule, fear is always accompanied by a certain level of fear. Fear and dread are...

meaning of wakefulness

Waking is the action of not sleeping through the night. Normally, this sleep deprivation consists of a voluntary act, practiced mainly on the eve of festive dates, especially of a religious nature,...

Definition of Manger

Manger is the name given to the place where animals usually (cows, oxen and horses, for example) eat in the stables, consisting of a kind of rectangular shape made of wood. However, the...

Meaning of Precursor

Precursor is an adjective that qualifies something that announces itself, that is about to happen or that occurs before the appearance of a certain thing, such as a sign or warning, for example. By stating that a person...

Definition of Intransigent

Uncompromising is an adjective that qualifies someone as intolerant, who is adamant in their ideas and values, acting in a harsh, relentless and rigorous way, without giving any chance for concession...

Definition of Interlocutor

Interlocutor is someone who participates in a dialogue, interacting directly with other people through different types of communication. In short, the interlocutor is any individual who talks to another or who...

meaning of conviction

Conviction is the action of convincing, that is, stubbornly having an idea or opinion about something, absolutely believing what you believe and transmitting it to other people. Having conviction is the...

Prototype meaning

Prototype is the term used to refer to what was created for the first time, serving as a model or mold for future productions. In product development, for example, making prototypes...

Meaning of Manhood

Manhood is the characteristic of someone who is fearless, courageous, honorable, and who acts and behaves in an upright and dignified way. This term also refers to what looks masculine and virile. Many people...

meaning of fellowship

Companionship is the behavior that characterizes the friendly, cordial, kind and loyal way of conviviality between two people. Companionship is characteristic of someone who is a companion, that is, friends, partners...

Definition of blunt

Forceful is an adjective that characterizes something that is definitive, unquestionable and that prevents the possibility of disputes. It can also refer to what causes bruises, that is, what hurts and causes...

Definition of Adjacent

Adjacent is an adjective that qualifies something that is next to, that is, next to or close to a certain thing. When an X object is said to be adjacent to a Y object, it means that its position is at...

Latest Meanings (225)

meaning of DIYDIY is the acronym for the English expression Do It Yourself, which means “Do It Yo...

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Popular Meanings (229)

Definition of BrainAcephalus is a term attributed to a being who suffers from acephaly, that is, ...

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Popular Meanings (226)

Question meaningA question is a question about which an answer or clarification is expected. It i...

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