Meaning of the expression Above (What it means, Concept and Definition)

Above is an adverbial phrase and means that something is a superior position, on the top.

It can be used to locate things, like in "I bought a picture to put on the sofa". Or indicating a place for people, "he found her on the bed".

It is formed by the preposition at, which indicates place or what is relative, and the noun above, which means summit.

In slang, saying "all on top" means that something is right, confirmed, mastered. When someone asks "what's up?" wants to ask if everything is okay with each other.

On top is also part of popular expressions, as in the slang "to give on", which means to flirt, to court someone. There is still the "on the fence", which corresponds to being indecisive. And also "just in time", which is just in time or done in a hurry.

See also the meaning of In time.

above or above

Is it right on top or on top? The written form on top is one of the conjugations of the verb to top. While above is the adverbial phrase of place.

When you want to specify where the action takes place, you say "above", using the adverb. As in the phrase "you can leave the report on my desk".

On the other hand, the top together is used as a synonym for crowning or finishing, it is the act performed by the subject when placing something on top of: "to finish the decoration on the Christmas tree, all that's left is to top it with the star".

The confusion occurs mainly because the opposite of "above", its antonym adverb, is the word below. But you must observe the spelling and respect the corresponding grammatical classes. Therefore, when it means the place, above is separate, and below is together. And on top together is the verb.

Synonyms of Above

  • About
  • Above
  • Over
  • on top
  • in superior place
  • Right
  • dominated

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