Portuguese language (33)

What is news?

News is any type of information that presents a new and recent event or that spreads news about an existing situation. The origin of the word "news" comes from Latin, in which...

meaning of diphthong

Diphthong is the meeting of two vowels (Vocal Encounters) that belong to the same syllable and are pronounced in a single voice. Some examples of diphthongs are: Kiss Cause Paixão Caixa Pai Série...

Meaning of Phoneme

Phoneme is the smallest sound unit of a language's phonological system. Phonology is the discipline that studies each of the voice sounds. Each phoneme has the function of establishing a difference in meaning...

Definition of hiatus

Hiato originates from the Latin term “hiatus”, which means “opening, crack, lacuna”, covering different concepts and applications. According to linguistics, hiatus is the meeting of two...

Definition of Digraph

Digraph is the meeting of two letters that, when pronounced, emit a single phonem a. Examples of digraphs are: na sc er, die r er, cry, i ss o, aquilo. The word "digraph" has a Greek origin, being...

Meaning of Language Figures

Figures of speech are resources used in speech or writing to make the transmitted message more expressive. It is very important to know how to identify the different figures of speech, because this way it is...

Pronoun meaning

Pronoun is the class of words that replaces the noun (noun). Its purpose is to indicate the person in the speech or place them in time and space, without using their name. Noun pronoun is one that...

Meaning of Language Functions

Language functions are the ways each individual organizes their speech depending on the message they want to convey. Language can be used to express feelings, to inform, to influence...

meaning of language

Language is the system through which man communicates his ideas and feelings, whether through speech, writing or other conventional signs. Depending on the social context in which the language is...

meaning of noun

Noun is what by itself designates the substance itself, that is, the essence, the matter. It is a term originating from the Latin “substantivu” which means “substantial”. Grammatically,...

Adjective meaning

Adjective is any word that characterizes the noun, indicating its quality, defect, state, condition, etc. E.g.: good man (quality), naughty boy (defect), happy girl (state), rich family...

meaning of verb

Verb is a word originating from the Latin term "verbum", which means "word". In the Grammar of the Portuguese Language, designates the class of words that indicate action, a situation or change of...

meaning of jargon

Jargon means a language that is barely understandable, in many cases because it is specific to a particular professional or sociocultural group. The term has its origins in the French word "jargon". The use of...

Meaning of Etc

Etc. is an abbreviation of the Latin expression et cetera (or et coetera), which means "and the rest"; "and other things" (of the same kind); " and so on ". In Latin, et corresponds to the conjunction...


Chronicle is a textual genre characterized by short texts, with simple language and portraying aspects of everyday life, usually with touches of humor or irony. Published in newspapers and magazines, the...

Popular Expressions (4)

Definition of Sqn and SqsSqn and Sqs are the initials of the expressions “only that not” and “onl...

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Popular Expressions (8)

Definition of Columbus EggColumbus' Egg is a popular expression that means that something very di...

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Popular Expressions (5)

Meaning of Paying the DuckPaying the duck is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, use...

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