Meaning of Jedi (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Jedi, pronounced jedai, are guardians of the good side of the force, and are fictional characters from the Star Wars series and movie. Jedi are knights with special powers, who could touch with strength and drive away the dark side.

The Jedi Knights were initially formed by philosophers, religious and warriors, to discuss and find a way to make the force more powerful and potent, and all this effort and development led them to create the Order of the Jedi, who became active participants in the galaxy.

To become a Jedi, it was necessary to make several sacrifices, and to show aptitude and worthiness since birth, as many were taken to training centers soon after being weaned. Jedi are forbidden to have material or emotional attachments, and must have their lives devoted to the Jedi Order.

One of the most important Jedi Knights was Anakin Skywalker, using his lightsabers and the power of the Force, to fulfill his obligations, and avoid at all costs death in combat locations.

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