Meaning of Evasion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Evasion is the withhold action, i.e, not declare something, fraudulently hiding for their own benefit and acting against law enforcement.

Withholding involves the act of lying, because for there to be the action of withholding it is necessary to conceal or provide false testimony and an oath on a certain thing or subject.

Example: "The boy withheld information from his teacher".

Learn more about the meaning of To omit.

This term is also commonly used in the sense of stealing or stealing, from the action of failing to pay or contribute something that is mandatory, in violation of the law.

Tax evasion

Tax evasion is a fraud that directly violates tax law and procedures, being considered a crime under Law No. 4,729, of July 14, 1965.

THE tax evasion it is one of the most used and elementary formal forms, being considered a civil disobedience, as it is the obligation of every citizen to pay taxes.

Among the main actions that characterize tax evasion are:

  • "make a false statement or omit, in whole or in part, information that must be produced to agents of legal entities internal public, with the intention of refraining, in whole or in part, from the payment of taxes, fees and any additional owed by law";
  • "insert inaccurate elements or omit, income or operations of any nature in documents or books required by tax laws, with the intention of exonerating itself from the payment of taxes due to the Treasury Public";
  • "change invoices and any documents related to commercial operations with the purpose of defrauding the Public Treasury";
  • "provide or issue gracious documents or change expenses, increasing them, in order to obtain deduction of taxes due to the Public Treasury, without prejudice to administrative sanctions applicable".
  • "Demand, pay or receive for themselves or for the taxpayer receiving payment, any percentage of the deductible or deductible portion of income tax as a tax incentive".

The initial detention for those who practice tax evasion is from six months to two years of imprisonment, and a fine of two to five times the value of the evaded tax.

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