Key Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

A key is a metal instrument used to open and close the bolt of a lock.

Key is the name of a variety of objects designed to turn on and off, tighten and loosen, assemble and disassemble the most diverse equipment.

A key is also what plays a very important role, what everything depends on to be solved and solved: “key to the mystery”, “key to the problem”.

They are synonymous with key: code, mechanism, combination, symbol, principle, essence, foundation etc.

close with a golden key – is an expression used to designate something that can end in the best possible way, that can have a spectacular ending.

under key – is an adverbial phrase which means that something is well kept, that it is in a locked place.

under lock and key – is an expression that means that something is kept in a way that is difficult to reach, almost impossible: “kept under lock and key”.

chain key

Chain key is a popular expression used to name what can get you into trouble, or what you like to do. confusion, who gets into trouble very easily, who has attitudes that can turn the other's life into a real one pandemonium.


Keyword is the word that identifies the main theme of a text. It is the word, or group of words, that brings together the central idea of ​​the developed content.

On the web, the keyword (keyword, in English), is the word that is inserted on the site and used as a search tool for a topic, product or service, which will serve as a reference for searches.

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