Biosafety comprises a set of norms and measures aimed at protecting health professionals and the population.
It is an area of knowledge defined by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) which guarantees the prevention and control of risks inherent to activities that may compromise human, animal and environmental health environment.
The importance and main objective is to ensure that any procedure performed in the health area is carried out in a safe way, for both professionals and patients, to generate results satisfactory.
hospital biosecurity
In this sense, biosafety is concerned both with the inspection of laboratory facilities and the practices adopted in the laboratory and in environments larger as hospitals, clinics and nursing centers, because the biological agents with which the professional in the area has contact can be everywhere place. And the hospital biosecurity.
These measures are important because, in these places, there is frequent exposure of individuals to pathogens, in addition to physical and chemical risks.
Biosafety standards
One of the main biosafety standards applied in hospitals, clinics and laboratories concerns hand hygiene. They should always be washed before preparing and administering medication and checking the patient.
Another recommendation is the use of protective equipment and clothing such as lab coats, gloves and aprons. These should only be used in the workplace.
Biosafety law
In 2005, the Federal Government approved Law No. 11,105, called the Biosafety Law, which revokes the previous 1995 law and establishes safety standards and mechanisms. of inspection for institutions that have genetically modified organisms, in addition to regulating the use of stem cells for research and therapy.