Meaning of Arredio (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Arredio is an adjective in the Portuguese language that qualifies the individual who voluntarily leaves their group, starting to act in an isolated and indifferent way.

As a rule, a person considered aloof avoids contact and social interaction, often acting harshly and rudely with those who try to force an unwanted approach.

Example:"Since his parents died he has become a totally aloof person".

At aloof people they are also often shy. Typically, this term is used to describe the behavior of a child who is shy, disobedient, and does not enjoy being around other people.

The adjective aloof is also used to characterize the animals that separate from their groups, like the herds, for example.

As the term suggests in the behavior of human beings, aloof animals also don't like to keep in touch with others of their species or with people. For this reason, they are considered difficult to domesticate.

Synonyms for aloof

  • bashful
  • risky
  • Shy
  • Xucro
  • apart
  • Separate
  • Lonely
  • Strange
  • Lost
  • stray
  • misplaced

See also: the meaning of Social phobia.

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