Meaning of Geeks (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Geek is a synonym for nerd, and both are slang used to characterize people with a peculiar way, who exercise diverse intellectual activities and that generally have a great affinity with technology, electronics, electronic or board games and etc.

In addition to nerd, there are other synonyms for geek, such as dweeb and dork, English slang used a lot by American teenagers, but which have similar meanings. Richard Clarke, a former US government official, said the difference between nerds and geeks is that "geeks make it happen." For adept at the geek way of life, they define the term as someone who is self-taught, someone who is passionate about what they do and what they do. you see".

The word geek had its first registration in 1876, as a synonym for silly and later came to designate street artists who they performed bizarre performances, like tearing the head off a live chicken with their teeth or eating insects (bugs in English). Then, by analogy, a computer geek came to be called one who makes a living "eating" computer bugs. Geeks or nerds only started to be well regarded and not suffer so much prejudice from the 90s, when technology gained status and became an object of desire for many people.

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