Meaning of Karate (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Karate is a Japanese word meaning “empty hands”. It consists of a Japanese martial art and a method of attack and self-defense that includes several techniques performed with the bare hands.

In Brazilian Portuguese, the correct spelling of the word is “karate” (with “c” and with a caret), however it is common to find it written with “k”.

The method of self-defense was possibly originated in China, but it developed and evolved in Japan, in Okinawa Province, based on an existing struggle at the time.

In Japan, the “do” particle was also added (karate-do), which means “path”, to add to the fight the philosophical and physical aspects, whose techniques aim to discipline the body and mind.

Karate practitioners are called “karatecas”. In fights, karatekas can only use the weapons of natural combat, that is, their own body (hands, arms, feet, legs, etc.), including good vision reflexes and intelligence.

The level reached by each karateka is classified through a system of colored bands (class Kyu), in the following order: white, yellow, red, orange, green, purple, brown. The white band is indicative of a beginner.

The black belt is achieved by someone who has achieved all the knowledge of the class Kyu and dominates the martial art (class Dan). In the Shotokan System, 10 more exclusive levels are defined to be reached by the class Dan (black belts).

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