Meaning of Didactic Sequence (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Didactic sequence is a term used in the educational area that characterizes the set of planned and interconnected activities for the teaching of a content.

It can be elaborated in stages, organized according to the objective that the teacher intends achieve during the school year for the learning of its students and make it more efficient process.

It is a system that can be used in all subjects, as it helps the teacher to organize the work in the classroom. class gradually, building on skills that students have already mastered to reach the levels they still need. master.

To understand the pedagogical value and the reasons that justify the elaboration of a didactic sequence, it is It is essential to identify the phase and activities that will help both the teacher and the students to achieve their goals.

Didactic sequence steps

In order to be successful, a well-applied didactic sequence needs to follow some steps for its functioning. Are they:

Project presentation

It is the moment when the teacher introduces the students to the task and the studies they will carry out during the school year.

Initial production

At this stage, the students, already informed about the project, will expose what they know and think about the subject, through text production, conversations, etc. The initial production is a prior assessment and it is through this that the teacher knows the difficulties of students and obtains means of establishing which activities should be employed in the sequence didactic.

The modules

This step deals with the activities (exercises and research) planned methodically, with the purpose of developing the student's abilities. The modules must be directed to the difficulties encountered in the initial production of students and aiming at overcoming these difficulties, should propose diversified activities and adapted to the particularities of the class.

Final production

At this stage, an assessment of what students were able to learn during the didactic sequence (comparison between initial production and final production) is proposed.

See also the meaning of didactics it's from pedagogy.

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