Generation Z (also known as Gen Z, iGeneration, Plurals or centennial) is the definition given to generation of people born between the beginning of the 90s and the end of the first decade of the 21st century (2010).
Generation Z is made up of people who were born during the advent of the internet and the growth of new digital technologies, such as smartphones, video games and faster computers, for example.
Generation Z people can no longer imagine living in a world where all things are not connected in an online environment, and with instant exchange of information. In addition to mastering technology, the centennials they are also known to be more critical, demanding, self-taught and dislike following hierarchies (or find it unnecessary in most cases).
According to some surveys, the areas of professional interest that predominate among Generation Z are those related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, mainly.
Generation Z Characteristics
- Digital natives;
- Constantly connected to the internet;
- "Citizens of the World";
- Strong social and environmental responsibility;
- Need for interaction and exposure of their opinions in the online environment;
- Accustomed to getting answers and information quickly (instantaneity);
- Very anxious, as they are used to fast processes;
- Accustomed to advances in new communication technologies;
- They were born between the early 90s and 2010;
- Accustomed to the obsolescence of things;
Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z
All these generations are concepts developed by sociology to draw the behavioral profile, mainly, of individuals who were born at different times.
Generation X consists of people who were born between the late 60s and early 80s. They are the children of baby boomers - post-World War II generation. The threat of the Cold War, among other world tensions at the time, made this group face uncertainties and the idea of a hostile future.
Generation Y is formed by people born between the late 70s and early 90s. This generation is marked by innovation and freedom, mainly as a result of the advancement of technology and the growth in quality of life.
Learn more about Y generation.
Generation Z, as seen, is made up of people who were born between the early 1990s and 2010. Generation Z and Generation Y are quite similar in many ways. Unlike Generation X, the Millennials and centennials they are multifunctional, believing that the ideal for professional growth is the search for new experiences, preventing them from being "stuck" in the same company for too long, for example.