Meaning of Secrecy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

secrecy is the condition of something that is kept hidden and secret, making few people aware of its existence.

When a person requests confidentiality about a certain matter, it is implied that the information should not be reproduced for other people, but reserved exclusively for the one who is receiving.

Example: "I'm going to be promoted, but it's still confidentialO".

One confidential content it is the one that is under secrecy, and must be kept private. Everyone has the right to personal confidentiality, that is, not to give away unwanted information about their private lives.

Some of the main synonyms for secrecy they are: secrecy, silence, privacy, discretion and confidentiality.

professional secrecy

This is expected behavior in the code of ethics of all professions. It consists of maintaining the confidentiality of the information given by the user / client to the professional who received / attended to.

For example, the professional secrecy of psychologists ensures that these professionals do not provide personal data or facts inherent in their patients' lives to third parties.

Professional secrecy also refers to the commitment that the professional must have to the company that works, avoiding the disclosure of information to rival companies that may, in any way, harm its company.

When the professional does not follow these rules, the so-called “breaking of professional secrecy” occurs.

Learn more about the meaning of code of ethics and of the Professional ethics.

bank secrecy

Banking secrecy ensures that financial institutions do not disclose their customers' data and information.

In Brazil, the Complementary Law No. 105, of January 10, 2001, provides for a penalty of up to four years for the offender, in case of breach of confidentiality banking without prior authorization from the competent authorities (Public Ministry and Federal Police, by example).

the request for breach of bank secrecy it can only occur if the individual is the target of a criminal investigation to investigate the occurrence of illegal acts, such as smuggling, money laundering, terrorism, etc.

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