Meaning of Gypsy (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

gypsy means "Gypsy", in the literal translation from English to Portuguese.

Gypsies are known as nomadic community groups and predominantly Asian in origin, mainly from India and other countries in that region.

In Spanish, gypsy is known as gypsy, this term being from the Greek “aigyptissai” or “egyptian”, which also meant “Egyptian”, as the Gypsy people were believed to have originated in Egypt.

know more about Gitana.

Gypsies lived on pilgrimages across Europe, heading to distant lands, without their own place to settle. The nomadic characteristic and other derogatory designations attributed to this people, motivated continuous persecutions, expulsions, marginalization, enslavement, extermination and is still a controversial issue in many societies around the world, where there is a minority of Roma ethnicity.

Gypsies are a happy people, very connected to singing, music, dancing, arts or fortune telling. Gypsy marriages or the birth of a child are reasons for special celebrations, following rituals specific to each event.

In music, the group gypsy kings it is world renowned for its dance music, with a style derived from traditional flamenco. It is a group from the city of Arles, France, descendants of the Reyes and Baliardo families, Spanish gypsies who fled the Spanish civil war.

gypsy (Gitana, in the Spanish version) is also the name of a Shakira song. The song is part of the album she Wolf, released in 2009.

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