Meaning of Stream (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Stream is the name given to a small running water passage, also called "water body" or "water conduit", and which is smaller than a stream.

Streams are extremely important for the maintenance and existence of hydrographic basins, due to their role as a water flow. These small bodies of running water are also responsible for starting a river to form.

Generally, streams originate in higher regions, descending through the relief and eroding the soil through which they pass, forming water paths. Geometrically, a stream has dimensions that range from an average of 30 cm to 250 cm in width, and 20 cm to 100 cm in thickness.

In the state of Bahia, creek is the name given to any of the tributaries of the São Francisco River, one of the most important watercourses in Brazil and South America.

The stream can still be called arroio, corgo, rivulet, creek, creek, brook, stream or vein.

Etymologically, the word "stream" originated from Vulgar Latin corgu, which in turn emerged from classical Latin corgu, and means "water channel".

See also the meaning of aquifer.

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