Meaning of Irrefutable (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Irrefutable, from the Latin irrefutable, is a masculine and feminine adjective that means something that is indisputable or that has already been proven and there is no way to prove otherwise.

This term is often used during criminal or judicial investigations, where irrefutable evidence of crimes is requested, that is, concrete and indisputable evidence of something. To prove the occurrence of something, it is necessary to present witnesses, documents or other logical means that convince a group of people, the jury.

A court decision/conviction can only be handed down after the presentation of irrefutable evidence against the defendant.

Examples: "Images in a hospital are irrefutable proof of corruption..." / "Due to the absence of irrefutable proof, the TRT-CE team cancels dismissal for cause" / "There is no irrefutable answer in this field of study, as it is an 'inexact science'..."

the spelling of irrefutable in english é irrefutable.

Synonyms for Irrefutable

  • indisputable
  • real
  • evident
  • clear
  • demonstrable
  • blatant
  • undeniable
  • indisputable
  • intelligible
  • obvious
  • sharp
  • proved
  • unmistakable
  • consolidated
  • undoubted

O antonym irrefutable is refutable and it means what can be disputed, denied or said otherwise.

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