Definition of Stratification (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The stratification is one or one set of layers that shape something.

It is one of the ways to understand the notion of layers, levels or banded structures for different circumstances of life, such as human skin, the soil, the formation of society and everything that presents itself in a form of division into different successive levels.

social stratification

Stratification is widely used to name the process of differentiation of the different social strata that make up a society. this is the call social stratification.

In social stratification, the layers are grouped based on their relationships and cultural values, which constitutes their separation into classes, states or castes.

See more about social stratification.

Soil Stratification

In the area of ​​geology, for example, stratification consists of the parallel or subparallel arrangement that the layers take, when they accumulate when forming rocks.

Also in this area, it is also related to the formation of the soil, which is made up of a series of layers or strata.

In the topsoil we find sand, clay, air and humus. In the middle layer there are fragments of rocks and living beings. Already in the deepest layer we find large rocks. This form of soil organization is known as soil stratification or the terrain.

See the meaning of Geology.

corneal stratification

In healthcare, stratification refers to the formation of the cornea, the inner part of the outer layer of the eyes that protects the intraocular structures and reflects light.

The thickness of the cornea is thinner in the central area and progressively increases at the edges. In its outer part, it has a tear film that goes to the epithelium and finally, it has an inner layer or endothelium.

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