Latest Meanings (181)

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meaning of resentment

Resentment is the feeling that is characterized by the existence of hurts, resentments or anguish that are formed as a result of an offense or from an attitude that is received in spite. O...

Definition of Primacy

Primacy is the same as excellence and preference, representing something or someone who occupies a level or category of superiority in relation to others. Having primacy also means having the privilege...

Meaning of Allusion

Allusion is the quotation, reference or mention, indirect and brief about something or someone. Usually, the allusion serves as a rhetorical mechanism that helps to exemplify a certain idea, putting it in...

Definition of Corollary

Corollary means the result arising from other results, a truth or statement that is generated as a consequence of a preceding argument or situation. The corollary is what consists in...

Definition of Intellectual

Intellectual is an adjective that characterizes something or someone who performs an activity of a mental nature, related to intellect and intelligence. An intellectual is the person who produces thoughts. This one...

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Definition of Flattered

Flattered is an adjective that qualifies someone who has received a compliment, who is extolled, and who has had his or her qualities or merits recognized. A person is flattered when receiving comments...

Definition of Discretion

Discretion is a characteristic that qualifies a person who is discreet, who does not draw attention, that is, who is demure, modest, humble and delicate in their actions. A person who acts with discretion...

Definition of Vault

Vault is an architectural structure with a curved roof. A vaulted ceiling is the top of a building made in a spherical way. A dome is also dome-shaped, with the difference that...

meaning of rascal

Rascal is a term used to characterize the individual known to act maliciously, shamelessly, without character, deceitful and with bad intentions. When it is said that a certain person is a rogue,...

Meaning of Claim

Claiming is the action of trying to re-acquire something that is in someone else's possession. This verb can still refer to the act of requesting something that one should have rightfully. In this sense, the verb...

Meaning of Promptness

Promptness is the characteristic of someone who is solicitous, a person who acts based on solidarity with others, helping quickly and charitably. Example: "You accepted our invitation promptly"...

Definition of Psychosocial

Psychosocial refers to the relationship between social life from the point of view of psychology. It consists of a field of study that covers aspects of social life together with clinical psychology. Accordingly...

Definition of Asthenia

Asthenia is the condition of loss or loss of physical strength. This medical term is understood to be synonymous with body fatigue, which can be of organic or psychic origin. Muscular asthenia...

meaning of aware

Aware is an adjective that qualifies someone who has science, knowledge or information about something. A aware individual is one who knows and keeps informed about a certain thing. Be aware of...

Definition of Subject

Discipline is obedience to the set of rules and norms that are established by a certain group. It can also refer to fulfilling each person's specific responsibilities. From the point of...

Popular Meanings (241)

Definition of AssiduousAssiduous is the quality of something or someone that is habitual, whose p...

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Latest Meanings (243)

meaning of bloggerBlogger is a Brazilian term used to designate the individual who publishes on b...

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Popular Meanings (244)

Meaning of the hydroelectric power plantHydroelectric power plant is an engineering work that use...

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