Meaning of Privilege (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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privilege is a advantage condition attributed to one person or group compared to others.

Privilege guarantees reservations and immunities that set the individual apart from others, giving him special rights in addition to those common to everyone.

Political privileges, for example, are examples of the peculiar conditions that people in political positions receive for the performance of their public functions.

A physical characteristic, aptitude or natural gift can be considered a privilege, in this case when the individual is in a context where he stands out from others because of these aspects.

Example: "The tall guy has basketball privilege compared to the short guy”.

Many people confuse the correct spelling of this term between privilege and “privilege”, the latter being considered wrong in the Portuguese language.

The opposite of privilege is the disenfranchisement, and is characterized when treatment and special rights are withdrawn, making the situation common and general.

Etymologically, the term privilege originated from the Latin

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privilege, referring to an “exceptional law for a few people”.

Privilege Synonyms

  • Advantage
  • Distinction
  • perk
  • Right
  • Guarantee
  • License
  • college
  • Sun
  • Quality
  • Opportunity
  • Advantage

See also the meaning of VIP.

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