Meaning of Bamba (What it is, Concept and Definition)

wobbly is a word with many meanings. It is popularly used to designate a person expert in a given subject, someone very good at what he does. Bamba is an individual brave, brave and resolute, a hunchback.

In samba, there are some lyrics that mention the word "bamba". For example, in the song "Casa de Bamba", by Martinho da Vila:

"At my house, everyone is wobbly, everyone drinks, everyone samba"

Or, in the song "Na cadência do samba", by the group Os Novos Baianos:

"Batucada de bamba, beautiful cadence of samba"

The popular expression "to be on a tightrope" means to be in an unstable situation, something dangerous. In general, tightrope walkers use a rope attached to two points, a tightrope, to perform balancing exercises - a sport also known by the English term "slackline".

The word "bamba" is also used as a synonym for "bambúrrio", which means "lucky in the game", "chance". It's something like the discovery of a fortune or an unexpected event that brings luck. In certain games, especially the game of billiards, the expression "by bamboo" refers to a way of winning without applying a game strategy. You win by chance, by luck.

Bamba is also the name of an African web-footed bird, that is, a bird that has its toes joined by a membrane.

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