All people have positive and negative characteristics, which can vary according to their state of mind or situation. There are qualities that, in the eyes of some, can be negative characteristics,...
Defects are characteristics that are normally regarded as bad or undesirable in a person. Some of these defects, depending on the situation, can even be considered qualities. We selected 46...
Culture is a set of particularities that characterize a group of people, a family or a society. It is formed by moral principles, habits, customs, histories, religious manifestations,...
Culture is understood as the behaviors, traditions and knowledge of a certain group social, including language, typical foods, religions, local music, arts, clothing, in between...
Mass culture are all kinds of cultural expressions produced in the Cultural Industry, with the aim of reaching as many people as possible. Its focus is essentially commercial, that is,...
Cultural industry is the name given to the production and distribution of cultural items with a view to making a profit. It is a concept that refers to the serial production of cultural goods, as it happens...
Theater is a term of Greek origin that simultaneously designates the set of dramatic pieces for public presentation and the building where these pieces are presented. It's an art form in which a...
Cave myth is a metaphor created by the Greek philosopher Plato. History is an attempt to explain the condition of ignorance in which human beings live, imprisoned by the senses and...
Scholar is something or someone who has a vast culture on a particular subject. Scholar is an adjective that can be related to music, reading, or culture in general. Scholar is related to...
Popular culture is an expression that characterizes a set of specific cultural elements in the society of a nation or region. Often classified as traditional culture or mass culture,...
High culture is that formed through studies, theoretical investigations and empirical data that allow the development of a more elite, elaborate and critical thinking. Also known as...
Culture for sociology is the set of beliefs, values, customs, artifacts, laws and norms of a society. This concept comprises all aspects arising from social contact between individuals and...
Stakeholders means strategic audience and describes all the people or "stakeholder groups" that are impacted by the actions of an enterprise, project, company or business. In English stake means...
Beauty standard is an expression used to characterize a model of beauty that is considered "ideal" in a society. The standard of beauty in history Even before it was named, the standards of beauty...
Food chain is the sequence of food between living beings, in which one feeds on the other, ensuring their survival. From the beings that produce their own food and generate...