Sacrilege is the act of disrespect of what is taken as sacred; it is the non-compliance with the norms of a certain religion. Thus, sacrilege is interpreted according to the point of view and doctrine of each faith and religion.
In the religious sphere, the sacrilege is considered a sin serious, as it directly hurts the faith and doctrine of the followers of a given belief. An example of sacrilege is the use of symbols or images of a religious character for commercial, sexual purposes or to mock, criticize the religion in question.
Sacrilege is an action profane, that is, when someone treats with indignity the sacraments of the bible or places that are consecrated to God, such as churches and mosques, for example.
Even today, according to the rules of some religions, an act of sacrilege can be punishable by death or imprisonment, especially within some extremist religious groups.
As a rule, sacrilege is considered a sin, the punishment being reserved to be applied in the so-called "life after death"; a place that, according to Catholics and other doctrines, will depend on the behavior and actions done by the human being in life. For individuals who commit sacrilege, for example, the fate in store will be suffering in "Hell".