Meaning of Insanity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Insanity is the feminine noun that means craziness, insanity, crazy, insanity. It can also serve to indicate the condition of a foolish or insane person.

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A famous quote about insanity is by Albert Einstein, who stated: Insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results.

Within the scope of psychology the mental insanity it consists of a fragile and confused state of mind. Mental insanity can be the result of psychosis and can manifest itself through paranoia, depression, melancholy, etc.

In the area of ​​law, in criminal proceedings, some defendants claim mental insanity at the time of the act being judged. Thus, these people claim that they were unaware of the consequences of their attitude. mental insanity can be permanent (someone who has always had a psychological disorder) or temporary (which is the result of some traumatic event and takes place during a limited period of time). In these cases, psychiatrists and forensic psychologists study the case to determine whether the individual's non-imputability is justified.

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