Meaning of Tritongo (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Tritongo is the meeting of three vowels in the same syllable.

The word is formed by the prefix tri, which means three, and tongo comes from the Greek phthongos which is the same as tone or sound, and therefore tritongo means what has three tones.

According to the linguistics, tritongo is a vowel encounter, like the diphthong and the hiatus, and helps to determine the accent in certain words in the Portuguese language.

See also the meanings of Diphthong and Gap.

According to Portuguese grammar, the syllable of a word must not have more than one vowel. So when there is a meeting of three vowels, characterized by the tritongo, we actually have the junction of a semivowel, a vowel and another semivowel. In this case, the vowel is the nucleus of the syllable.

Tritongo can be divided into oral tritongo and nasal tritongo, depending on the source of the sound.

Words with Tritongo

  • UrugWow
  • StopWow
  • QWows
  • IGWows
  • Saghuh
  • specyos

Diphthong, Tritongo and Hiatus

Diphthong, tritongo and hiatus are vowel encounters that are characterized by the number of vowels, or semivowels, in the same syllable.

The hiatus is when a syllable occurs in which the vowel comes alone, as in the word hi itself.Theto.

The diphthong is a semivowel plus a vowel, as in série.

And the tritongo is a vowel between two semivowels, such as averighey.

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