Meaning of Disruption (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

Disruption is a break or discontinuation of an already established process.

it is said that something is disruptive when interrupts, suspends or deviates from normal operation. Thus, the adjective can be used to qualify a defect, a behavior, an idea, etc.

Among the main synonyms of disruption are: rupture, disruption, division, suspension and discontinuation.

The term has been frequently used in the business context to refer to market innovations, as we will see below.

innovative disruption

Also called disruptive innovation (or even technological disruption), is the phenomenon through which companies establish themselves in the market offering new alternatives for products or services. These innovations are generally cheaper and often use new technologies to optimally offer services and products that are already common in the market.

The expression “innovative disruption” is due to the fact that these new supply methods depart from the models established in the market.

As examples of innovative disruption we can cite Netflix, Uber, Spotify, etc. Due to the success of these and other companies, the concept of innovative disruption has gained considerable relevance in the service industry.

It is noteworthy, however, that mere innovation does not constitute an innovative disruption. For Clayton M. Christensen (creator of the concept), innovations need to create a new consumer market and impact leading companies in the sector. For this reason, innovative disruption it's not an immediate phenomenon, but a process that extends in time.

Technological Disruption

The expression "technological disruption" or "digital disruption” is commonly used as a synonym for innovative disruption, but it can also characterize the process of technological evolution that changes the paradigm of quality or functionality of products, such as digital cameras, televisions and LED monitors, notebooks, etc.

endocrine disruption

Endocrine disruption is a change in the endocrine system caused by chemicals called disruptors. These substances are present in benzene, lead, paraben (chemical compound present in preservatives), triclosan (chemical compound present in cosmetics and cleaning products), among others, and act on the endocrine system causing hormonal changes.

electrical disruption

Electrical disruption is the release of accumulated energy that occurs when electrical current is restored. It usually implies the formation of sparks.

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