Latest Meanings (178)

meaning of journalism

Journalism is the informative activity, carried out periodically and disseminated through the mass media (press, radio, television, online press). Journalism itself emerged from...

meaning of remorse

Remorse is a masculine noun from the Latin remorsu which means a feeling of affliction or sadness caused by the practice of a reprehensible act. It can also be considered a synonym for...

Definition of In loco

In loco is a Latin expression, meaning "in place" or "in place" and is equivalent to the expression in situ. This Latin adverbial phrase is widely used in Portuguese, but not...

Purpose of Purpose

Goal can be an adjective or a noun and means the end you want to achieve, the goal you want to achieve or what is relative to the object, which is concrete and exists independently of...

Significance of Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is a theoretical branch of science that studies all phenomena that occur with atomic and subatomic particles, that is, which are equal to or smaller than atoms, such as electrons,...

Definition of Hard

Árduo is an adjective in Portuguese, referring to something that is difficult, tiring, complicated to perform or access. Etymologically, the word "hard" originated from the Latin arduus, which...

Definition of Circumcision

Circumcision is a surgical operation that removes the foreskin, a skin that covers the glans of the penis. It is a Latin term that means to cut around. Circumcision surgery has been performed for...

Definition of Imbroglio

Imbroglio is a masculine noun from the Italian imbroglio which means confusion, messed up, messed up. This word is used in a pejorative sense, indicating a complex situation or...

Definition of Asceticism

Asceticism is a philosophical doctrine that advocates abstaining from physical and psychological pleasures, believing it to be the way to achieve perfection and moral and spiritual balance. For the ascetics –...

meaning of decent

Decent is a masculine and feminine adjective that describes someone or something that conforms to the rules of decency; it means convenient, proper, proper, neat, clean. A decent person demonstrates...

meaning of ecstasy

Ecstasy is the emotional state in which the individual feels out of himself or in a trance, characterized by the extreme intensification of various feelings, such as pleasure, joy, fear, etc. The state of...

meaning of union

Union means the association or combination of several elements, similar or different, in order to form a set. Union is the act or effect of joining two or more distinct parts. One...

Function meaning

Function is a feminine noun that indicates a position, an exercise, a mission, an assignment, a utility, an understanding. The word function is a noun that defines several meanings. At the...

meaning of revolution

Revolution is a word originating from the Latin revolutione, which means the act or effect of revolving or revolutionizing. It can have several meanings applied to several different areas, and it can be synonymous with...

Definition of Flashback

Flashback means to quickly go back to something, in Portuguese, but it has other meanings, it depends on where it is used. In this case, flashback is a fact that happened in the past inserted in a current moment,...

Popular Meanings (217)

Definition of PoltergeistPoltergeist is considered a supernatural phenomenon, characterized by ph...

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Popular Meanings (218)

Characteristics of ExpressionismExpressionism was an artistic movement through which authors expr...

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Popular Meanings (216)

Definition of ShareholderShareholder is a very common English word in the business context, which...

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