Portuguese language (27)

Adverb meaning

Adverb is any invariable word that accompanies the verb, adjective or other adverb, modifying its meaning. Example: I arrived early. This car is very good. He was just fine. Classification of...

Definition of Preposition

A preposition is any invariable word that links two other words, establishing between them certain relationships of meaning and dependence. Examples: Casa de Luís (ownership relationship). Arrived with...

meaning of evade

Deceiving is the act of making someone believe in something that does not correspond to reality, feeding someone's hopes with unsubstantiated, unfounded, unrealistic promises. The word elude can be...

meaning of wholesome

Salutar is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language and is related to health, something useful and favorable to preserve health and life. Salutar is a word with origins in the Latin salutaris,...

Definition of Accuracy

Accuracy is the precision and accuracy of data and information, when there are no errors or misunderstandings. The word accuracy is related to accuracy, a term widely used in physics and in...

Definition of Effectiveness

Effectiveness is the characteristic, particularity or state of what is effective, that is, what is real, true and legitimate. It can also be the consequence or the effect of what is real; the reality or the...

meaning of philanthropist

Philanthropist is a masculine noun and adjective in the Portuguese language that defines a person's characteristic of feeling love for humanity. A guy who practices philanthropy, considered a...

Definition of Effusive

Effusive is an adjective from the Portuguese language used to designate someone or something that has great ease of communication, that expresses itself easily and that has ardor and vehemence in what it says. What if...

Definition of Morphology

Morphology is the treatise on the forms that matter can take. From the Greek “morphe” (morph = form) and (logos = study). Plant morphology is the part of Botany that studies the shapes and structures of...

meaning of puerile

Pueril is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language that refers to childhood, to what is childish or to what is endowed with innocence. The word, which derives from the Latin puerile, can also be...

meaning of buzzword

Chavão is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language and means an idea, phrase or thought that is already worn out, that has been used a lot and is considered a "commonplace", cliché. A buzzword...

Definition of Drain

Draining is a direct transitive verb in Portuguese and defines the process of rinsing a land through the drainage technique. Draining is also related to a surgical technique for the...

Definition of Equitable

Equitativo is an adjective in the Portuguese language and refers to what is fair, equivalent, impartial and equal. According to the definition, being equitable is related to "being fair" in a moral sense...

meaning of bold

Bold is an adjective from the Portuguese language and used to characterize someone who is daring, who has innovation or who is brave, brave. Boldness - the act of daring - can have a connotation...

Definition of Tertulia

Tertulia is a feminine noun and means a gathering of family or friends. It can also be classified as a collective of intimates brought together for the same purpose. Usually, the...

Popular Meanings (181)

Meaning of TransverseTransversal is what crosses, that crosses a certain point. According to geom...

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Popular Meanings (180)

Definition of PerjuryPerjury is a false oath or violation of an oath taken. It is related to the ...

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Latest Meanings (179)

meaning of betrayalBetrayal is a feminine noun that refers to the act of betraying and means a la...

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