Graffiti or graffiti is a word of Italian origin “graffito” which means “writing made with charcoal”. They are inscriptions engraved or drawn by the ancients on the walls of cities and monuments...
Patavinas is a word in the Portuguese language, normally used in the expression "I don't understand patavinas" and means "nothing" or "nothing". The word "patavinas" is used to describe someone who has...
Consulting is a specialized counseling service, carried out by specialists in a certain area, who guide the client in order to help him achieve his goals. In the consulting process,...
The graffiti are graphic expressions painted on walls and buildings in cities. It can be words, texts or even images. Considered a crime in Brazil, graffiti is used as a means of...
Unagi is a concept mentioned by Ross Geller, a character from the series Friends, that defines a state of full consciousness, where the reaction speed is so fast that it works almost like a sixth sense...
Antifa is the abbreviated term for antifascism, which names a political movement dedicated to fighting fascism around the world. Antifa is a movement in which people or groups are outright opposed to all...
Fascism is a highly nationalist and authoritarian government regime that had great relevance in Europe in the 20th century. In Italy, the fascist regime was established after the First World War under the...
Science represents all knowledge acquired through study, research or practice, based on certain principles. This word comes from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge" or...
TEV is an acronym that stands for Electronic Transfer of Values. TEVs are transfers made between different accounts of the same financial institution. DOC and TED are used...
Binding summary is a term used in law to refer to a set of decisions of a Superior Court. These decisions are related to cases that deal with similar issues and that are judged from...
Social rights are all fundamental rights and basic guarantees that must be shared by all human beings in society, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, religion,...
Elementary education is one of the levels of basic education, mandatory in Brazil. It lasts for nine years and is mostly aimed at people aged between 6 and 14 years. O...
Organizational behavior is the study of how people or groups that make up a company act in their respective workplaces, and how their attitudes can affect customs and...
Organizational psychology is an area of psychology that is dedicated to understanding the phenomena of human behavior that take place within the work environment. The area, also called the psychology of...
Roman numbers or Roman numerals are numerical representations that were invented during the ancient Roman Empire. The Romans, to facilitate their numbering system, instituted a standard of...