yield is an english term that means Yield, profit. It is the return on a stock investment, expressed annually as a percentage based on the cost of the investment.
Yield can also be the yield, the coupon rate divided by the market price of this security. This income is not an exact measure of the total return as capital gains have to be considered.
Yield for bonds is the annual dividend divided by the purchase price of the paper. This is not an exact measure of total return, as annual income from capital gains must be included.
The bonds have their issue interest rate fixed in the coupon, they have the current market rate, which is the interest rate of the bonds considering the current price, the estimate of what the investor will receive until the maturity of the paper, which is called "yield to maturity", and the tax payable, which is determined by the value of the yields that will receive.
Yield or income from mutual funds is the result of dividends and interest earned in the fund's portfolio, after withdrawing fund expenses, such as management fees. The fund's yield based on the 30-day term is called “yield sec”.
Yield is a term used not only in the sense of yield, but also as a synonym for producing, bearing fruit, making a profit or giving a discount.