Politics and Citizenship (6)

meaning of totalitarianism

Totalitarianism or totalitarian regime is a political system based on an ideology that places the leader of a nation as the absolute controller of the rights of citizens, supposedly for the general benefit of...

Definition of Migration

Migration is the displacement of individuals within a geographical space, either temporarily or permanently. These migratory flows can be triggered for several reasons: economic, cultural,...

Definition of Proselytism

Proselytism is the action or effort to try to convert one or several people in favor of a certain cause, doctrine, ideology or religion. The purpose of proselytism is to create proselytes (from the Greek...

Definition of Accessibility

Accessibility is the quality of what is accessible, that is, what is attainable, which has easy access. It is a feminine noun that is related to what is easy to approach, in the...

meaning of immigrant

An immigrant is someone who immigrates, that is, someone who enters a foreign country with the purpose of living or working. The immigrant is seen from the perspective of the country that welcomes him, he is the individual who came...

meaning of republic

Republic is a word that describes a form of government in which the Head of State is elected by the representatives of citizens or by the citizens themselves, and performs its function for a time limited...

meaning of communist

Communist is a two-gender adjective that indicates something belonging to communism. It can also be a noun, referring to a person with communist tendencies or who belongs to a party...

Definition of Fascist

Fascist is an adjective that defines something or someone adept at fascism. The term fascist can qualify anything that is related to the ideals of fascism, be it a person, a regime, an attitude,...

what is mortality rate

The death rate is a demographic index obtained by the relationship between the number of deaths in a population and a certain period of time, usually a year. The rate is often represented...

Definition of Mercosur

Mercosur is the abbreviation for Mercado Comum do Sul, a South American economic bloc officially formed by Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Mercosur's main objective is to guarantee the construction...

meaning of communism

Communism is a social doctrine whose aim is to re-establish what is called the "natural state", in which all people would have the same right to everything, through the abolition of private property and the end gives...

meaning of anarchism

Anarchism is a political system that defends anarchy and seeks the end of the State and its authority. Anarchism aims at the extinction of the hierarchy structures present in today's society. The term...

Difference between Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism and socialism are two political-economic systems that are opposites. Socialism consists of a theory, doctrine or social practice that proposes the public appropriation of the means of production...

meaning of fascism

Fascism is an authoritarian regime created in Italy, which derives from the Italian word fascio, which means "beam" and refers to an "alliance" or "federation". It is a totalitarian political movement,...

meaning of liberalism

Liberalism is a political-economic doctrine and doctrinal system that is characterized by its attitude of openness and tolerance at various levels. According to this doctrine, the general interest requires the...

Latest Meanings (108)

Definition of BlockbusterBlockbuster is a word of English origin that indicates a film (or other ...

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Latest Meanings (107)

meaning of bourgeoisBourgeois is the individual who belongs to the bourgeoisie, rich man. One who...

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Popular Meanings (110)

meaning of NATONATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a political-military alliance ...

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