Definition of Cyber ​​café (What it is, Concept and Definition)

cyber cafe is the term used to designate a store whose main activity is the cafeteria or bar service and that, in addition, provides its customers with some computers for internet access, usually charging a fee for using this service.

It distinguishes itself from the LAN house for having internet service as a secondary activity.

It was a particularly successful type of establishment in the 1990s when broadband internet, especially through mobile networks or wi-fi hotspots, they were not as widespread as at the moment.

term origin

The meaning of cyber is linked to technology and the virtual world. The term comes from the English cybernetics, which is the science that studies the communication and control mechanisms in machines and living beings. The prefix cyber is usually used when there are references to science fiction, information and communication technologies, with special emphasis on the internet.

A large number of words have emerged with virtual space and technological advances. Some examples are: cyberpunk, cyberspace, cybernaut and cyberculture. Cybercafé is also written for the term in Portuguese.

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