Meaning of Assiduous (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Assiduous is the quality of something or someone that is habitual, whose presence is constant and regular. This adjective also represents the sense of commitment to the fulfillment and development of a person's daily obligations and responsibilities.

When it is said that an individual is assiduous, it means that he acts with attendance, that is, he usually doesn't miss his appointments or his responsibility.

Etymologically, the word “assiduous” originated from the Latin assiduous, which can be translated as “which is always present”.

See also: the meaning of attendance.

Synonymous with assiduous

Some of the main synonyms for assiduous are:

  • Regular
  • perky
  • Frequent
  • Continuous
  • Constant
  • Incessant
  • Applied
  • Exactly
  • Persevering
  • Dedicated.

Antonym of assiduous

Among some of the main antonyms of assiduous are:

  • Absent
  • at fault
  • occasional
  • Episodic
  • Sporadic
  • Accidental
  • Negligent
  • occasional
  • Uncertain
  • fickle.

Assiduous and punctual

Even being related, the concepts of assiduous and punctual have some differences.

When it is said that someone is assiduous, it means that they are able to be regularly present in a certain place. Being punctual, on the other hand, means

be present at a certain place or appointment at the previously stipulated time, that is, not arriving late or early, but on time.

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