Meaning of Pedigree (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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pedigree it is a purebred animal registration certificate, mainly cats and dogs and thoroughbred horses.

Pedigrees reveal detailed information about the animal's ancestral line, that is, about its origin, identifying between three to five generations of the animal in question.

The pedigree aims to confirm that the animal has the characteristics according to the breed, that it is not a clue, that it is totally pure. Certificates are issued by the CBKC (Confederação Brasileira de Cinofilia) of each region or by SOBRACI (Sociedade Brasileira de Cinofilia).

For the animal to have a pedigree, it must have all the basic characteristics of the breed, such as variety, coat, acceptable colors, size, maximum weight, and so on. The pedigree certificate also has another objective, that of the owner exercising the function of owner of the animal.

The English word comes from the French expression "grue pied", which in Portuguese means "foot of crane". This is because in family trees, the arrows are shaped like the footprints left by that bird.

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The pedigree also shows the animal's family tree, such as its parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, as well as its competition and championship titles, in addition to the breeder's name. Animals, especially dogs and cats, that have pedigrees can be more expensive, as they give a certain guarantee to the owner regarding the purity of the breed, its temperament and physical defects, for example.

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