Civil Law, also called the Roman-Germanic system, is a legal system that has the law as an immediate source of law, that is, it uses norms as a basis for resolving disputes. THE...
Morse code is a means of communication that uses long and short dots, dashes or sounds that correlate with each number or letter of the alphabet, delivering a coded message to the receiver...
The daisy flower means innocence, youth, virginity, sensitivity, purity, peace, kindness and affection. The daisy, a flower whose scientific name is Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, is a flower that is also...
Ouroboros is a mystical symbol that represents the concept of eternity, through the figure of a serpent (or dragon) that bites its own tail. Based on semiotics, the circular representation of...
XD is an emoticon used to express the feeling of joy or contentment in conversations through text messages (SMS) or on social networks. The symbol is formed by joining the letters "X"...
The Maltese Cross is the symbol of the Order of Malta, an organization of Christian knights that emerged during the Crusades in the 11th century. It is also called the Cross of Amalfi or Cross of St. John and is in the...
Trojan Horse is one of the main symbols of the famous Trojan war, used as a strategy by the Greeks to defeat the Trojans. According to the story narrated in the work “Iliad” by Homer, the...
Knife in the skull is an expression that alludes to the symbol of the BOPE – Special Police Operations Battalion. The BOPE symbol is known to be represented by a skull with a knife...
Spa is a commercial establishment that has an elegant place with a specific structure to offer clients health, beauty and well-being treatments. Traditionally, spas were resorts...
A shooting star is a piece of a meteor or other cosmic particle that, upon entering the Earth's atmosphere, leaves a luminous trail wherever it passes due to the burning of its material. Remembering that the...
Cultural Heritage or Historical Heritage is a preserved asset that has an inestimable value for the identity and history of a people, community or region. There are two main types of...
The Master Plan is the planning of a municipality that foresees measures that must be taken by the municipal government to arrive at the best possible planning for the city's needs. Since the year of...
Developed by the Greek mathematician Hipparchus in Ancient Greece, the astrolabe is an instrument used to calculate the position of the stars based on geometrical principles. In addition to the position of the stars,...
Yard is a unit of length used in some English-speaking countries. One yard equals 0.914 meters or approximately 91 centimeters. Like the meter, the yard is a unit of...
Retro is a term that is related to the past, that is, something that refers to an outdated object, clothing or lifestyle, but which is back in fashion. The word retro consists of the reduced form of the...