The Dalai Lama is the supreme head of the Buddhist religion, residing in Tibet, the spiritual ruler of the lamas. Dalai Lama is formed by Buddhist monks, and are considered the reincarnation of God. Dalai Lama is...
Dharma, or dharma, is a Sanskrit word that means that which holds high. It is also understood as the life mission, what the person came to do in the world. The root dhr in the ancient language of...
Nirvana is a word from the context of Buddhism, which means the state of liberation attained by human beings while going through their spiritual quest. The term has its origins in Sanskrit and can be translated as...
Buddha means enlightened in Sanskrit, ancient sacred language of India. Buddha is a title given to a Buddhist teacher or to all enlightened people who have attained the spiritual realization of Buddhism. An example of...
Tibetan Buddhism is a branch of Buddhism, known for having a more pronounced mystical character, expressed through its meditation rituals and elaborate artistic reproduction. Too...
Judaism, the religion of the Jews, is one of the oldest monotheistic religions. Jews believe in only one God, as the creator of the universe and all divine laws. Even being one of the...
Sustainable development is a concept that combines economic and social development with the preservation of the environment. Sustainable development is based on the preservation of resources...
A euphemism is a figure of speech that occurs when one word or expression is used in place of another in order to make the communication of the message to be conveyed lighter. This replacement...
Bullying is the name given to a series of aggressions that occur continuously and involve an imbalance of power. It can occur in different spaces, including work, school and the club...
Moral suitability is the set of qualities that recommend the individual to public consideration, with attributes such as honor, respectability, seriousness, dignity and good manners. The suitability means the...
Immoral is an adjective of two genders originating from the Latin immoralis which means an attitude contrary to morality or qualifies a person who behaves without morality. The immoral word is formed by...
Moral harassment is a type of violence in which a certain person humiliates, embarrasses, offends and attacks the dignity of another. Moral harassment at work consists of prolonged and repetitive exposure of...
Period (.): long pause that indicates the end of the period and is used in abbreviations. Exclamation mark (!): indicates amazement, admiration, surprise. Question mark (?): indicates doubt,...
Cartesian plane, also called orthogonal Cartesian system or coordinate plane, is a coordinate system consisting of two perpendicular axes. That means, at the point where these two...
Good Friday or Good Friday is a religious holiday celebrated by Christians, symbolizing the day of the death of Jesus Christ, and is part of the Easter festivities, which symbolizes the...