Meaning of Exempt (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Exempt is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who is dismissed, released or free from a certain situation or condition.

This term can also refer to the individual who has an impartial character in relation to something. In this case, "being exempt" can be considered the same as "act neutrally".

Example:"Journalists must be exempt in their comments" or "The article is free from judgment".

When it is said that a certain person is exempt from an obligation, it means that he is exempt from practicing it.

Etymologically, the word "exempt" originated from the Latin exempt, which can be translated as “to separate” or “to delete”.

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Exemption Statement

A declaration of exemption is a certificate that proves that an individual has no obligations with a certain situation.

In Brazil, the exemption declaration was part of the Income Tax, but has not been used since 2008.

Currently, taxpayers who are not able to declare the Income Tax (due to some illnesses, for example), They do not need to renew their Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF), which is mandatory for everyone who declares income tax in the country.

See also: the meaning of Income tax.

Synonyms of exempt

Some of the most common synonyms for "exempt" are:

  • Exempt
  • Immune
  • Free
  • Dispensed
  • released
  • Clean
  • disentangled
  • Fair
  • sensible
  • Neutral
  • Impartial
  • deprived
  • Devoid.

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