Amortization is a process that extinguishes debts through periodic payments, it is the extinction of a debt through its settlement. In amortization, each installment is a part of the value...
Plot means plot, intrigue, gossip, confusion, machination. It is the act or effect of entangling, that is, of catching or scooping with a net. It is also the act of creating intrigues that cause annoyance,...
Monotony is the quality of what is monotonous, it means lack of variation, invariability of tone, flatness or flatness. When a person always uses the same tone of voice, we are facing monotony,...
Winning statement is an expression used in the legal field, which means a kind of "exchange of favors" between the judge and the defendant. If the accused provides important information about others...
Anthropophagy is the action of eating human flesh, which among humans is also known as cannibalism. Anthropophagy was practiced in esoteric rituals as a way for those who eat to incorporate the qualities of...
In Japanese, “sei” means generation, and “issei” means first generation in Portuguese. Issei is the Japanese who emigrates to another country. When an issei has a child in another country, the child is a...
The good child at home is a popular saying used to express the act of going back to doing something that you were used to doing, or visiting and being in a place that is already usual. One of the main questions about...
Relative is an adjective used to characterize something as related to something else, demonstrating that there is a relationship or reference between them. When it is said that a given situation is relative to...
Vegetables and vegetables are food plants that belong to the group of vegetables, and can be eaten as a complement to ensure a healthy and balanced diet. The main difference...
BFF stands for Best Friend Forever, which means "best friends forever". The term comes from English, and was popularized worldwide through social networks, being widely used in Brazil...
Business ethics is the branch of ethics directly linked to companies, which refers to the ethical conduct of companies. In other words, the actions taken by the company aim at good and impact...
Emblemático is an adjective in the Portuguese language used to refer or correspond to the emblem: emblematic status of the monarchy. Emblematic is also what has property or particularity...
Jargon means a language that is barely understandable, in many cases because it is specific to a particular professional or sociocultural group. The term has its origins in the French word "jargon". The use of...
Poser is an English slang whose meaning - mainly in the musical context - refers to a person with an influential personality, without attitude and who lets himself be impressed by the artist, band...
Intrinsic is a masculine adjective that means intimate, internal, inherent, constitutive and classifies something that is inside. The antonym of intrinsic is extrinsic. This word comes from the term...