Latest Meanings (79)

Definition of economic crisis

An economic crisis is characterized by a period of reduction in the level of production in a country, which is related to a reduction in consumption, a drop in profit rates and an increase in unemployment. The system...

Definition of Fine Arts

Plastic arts is the name given to the group consisting of architecture, sculpture, graphic arts and artistic crafts. The plastic arts are characterized, like the rest...

meaning of art nouveau

Art Nouveau is the name of an artistic movement that started in Europe during the 19th century. Its apex lasted until the mid-20s. It was very representative of what was happening in society at the time, which lived...


Snow is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs in conditions of intense cold and humidity. Snow forms when water vapor from the cloud turns into ice crystals, which clump together and form flakes...

First World War

World War I was one of the greatest conflicts in the history of civilization. Held especially on European territory, the war involved countries around the world and left more than 10 million...

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution consists of a period of great economic and social changes that took place between the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe, especially in England. Its most characteristic...

Meaning of Daylight Savings Time

Daylight saving time is the practice of setting clocks ahead during a period of the year in order to make better use of natural light and save on electricity consumption. Due to the positioning of the...

Definition of Passive Corruption and Active Corruption

Passive corruption and active corruption are crimes provided for in the Penal Code, related to the action of offering or accepting illicit compensation in exchange for personal advantages. In a simple way,...

Second Industrial Revolution

The Second Industrial Revolution is the second moment in the period of great economic and social changes carried out in Europe, in the middle of the 19th century. Held during the period from 1860 to 1900, this...

Third Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technical-Scientific-Informational Revolution, is the last moment of the period in which Europe and America underwent significant changes...

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a new period of revolution in industry, marked by the presence of new technologies. It is considered the biggest revolution since the occurrence of the Industrial Revolution in...

Meaning of Just in Time

Just in time is a production management system that determines that nothing must be produced, transported or purchased before the right time. Just in time is an English term, which literally means...

meaning of kanban

Kanban is a term of Japanese origin and literally means "card" or "signaling". This is a concept related to the use of cards (post-it notes and others) to indicate the progress of...

Definition of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a common concept within management, which means the act of thinking and planning in a strategic way. It is an area of ​​business planning, which facilitates...

Meaning of Gradually

Gradually it is an adverb that characterizes something that is done with a certain progression of time, that is, it is produced little by little. It is possible to understand the meaning of gradually when, by...

Popular Meanings (26)

meaning of phoenixPhoenix is ​​a legendary bird of Greek mythology, which died, but after some ti...

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Popular Meanings (29)

Definition of ProcrastinateProcrastinating is the act of putting something off or prolonging a si...

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Popular Meanings (27)

meaning of plagiarismPlagiarism happens when someone copies content produced by someone else with...

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