Background is an English word that can have several meanings, including experience, background, background, background, context, environment, circumstances, environment, education, etc. Often the...
Achilles' heel is a popular expression that means someone's weakness and conveys the idea of weakness and vulnerability. It is the point where a person feels more fragile, not having domain...
Exodus is the name given to the departure of a group of people or an entire nation from one region to another. Exodus can be considered synonymous with emigration, as it is also related to action...
Bourgeois is the individual who belongs to the bourgeoisie, rich man. One who had a bourgeois education. One who is concerned with accumulating capital goods. Bourgeois was in the Middle Ages, the person who lived in...
An organization chart is a graphic that visually represents the organizational structure of an institution or company. The main purpose of this structural model is to present the hierarchy and relationships...
Exemption is the act or effect of exempting, that is, freeing, dismissing, releasing or exempting. It is a privilege that makes the individual exempt from certain obligations. The expression "have exemption"...
To postpone is a transitive verb originating from the Latin postergare, which means to postpone, delay, leave behind, not attach importance to someone or something. Some synonyms for delay can be...
Geek is English slang meaning someone addicted to technology, computers and the internet. The concept of geek is something similar to the concept of nerd: one who has a deep...
A scientific text is a textual production, a written narrative that addresses some concept or theory, based on scientific knowledge through scientific language. A scientific text is...
Value judgment is a judgment made from individual perceptions, based on factors cultural, sentimental, ideologies and personal prejudices, usually related to values morals...
Efficiency is the quality of what or who is competent, who correctly performs their functions. Efficiency is a positive feature, especially as part of the professional profile...
Multidiscipline r means bringing together several disciplines in pursuit of an ultimate goal. Multi is a word of Latin origin (multus), which means multiple, that is, that which encompasses many factors. Ex:...
Sinister is a word originating from the Latin term sinistru and means left, disastrous, menacing, frightening, disgraced. It can also be synonymous with disaster, accident, great loss or...
Axial is an adjective of two genders that qualifies something related to the axis or that has the shape of an axis. The expression axial skeleton is used to describe the 80 bones that make up the head and trunk of the body...
Sublime is an adjective of two kinds, which qualifies what reaches a very high degree on the scale of moral, intellectual or aesthetic values, is almost perfect. From the Latin sublimis, “what if...