Meaning of UF (What it is, Concept and Definition)

UF stands for Federation Unit or Federative unit. Federation Unit refers to 26 Brazilian states, plus the Federal District, totaling 27 Federative Units (UF).

For example, São Paulo is a Federation Unit, and the UF of São Paulo is SP. A person who was born in São Paulo, his Federative Unit (UF) of birth will be SP.

In many cases, the Federative Unit is requested in the context of filling out some forms (such as an application form for entrance exams). In these cases, the issuing agency (such as the SSP, for example) and the corresponding state.

UF of RG (Identity Card)

The RG, also called the identity card, is the national civil identification document in Brazil. It contains the name, date of birth, date of issue, affiliation, photo, signature and fingerprint of the right thumb of the holder. The card also bears the coat of arms of the UF and the name of the UF, that is, in which state the identity card was issued, and its coat of arms.

Where can I find the Federative Unit in the RG

The RG's UF is on the back of your identity card.

UF of RG

what is the state of my state

This is the complete list of Brazilian States, plus the Federal District. For the individual to identify which is the UF of their state, it is necessary to know the acronym. The list is sorted alphabetically.

26 States + Federal District state
Acre B.C
alagoas AL
Amazons AM
Amapá AP
Bahia BA
Ceará EC
Federal District DF
Holy Spirit ES
Goiás GO
Maranhão BAD
Mato Grosso MT
Mato Grosso do Sul MS
Minas Gerais MG
Paraíba PB
Paraná PR
Pernambuco FOOT
Piauí PI
Rio de Janeiro RJ
large northern river RN
Rio Grande do Sul LOL
Rondônia RO
Roraima RR
Santa Catarina SC
Sao Paulo SP
Sergipe IF
Tocantins TO

See too:

  • nationality and place of birth
  • Definition of Issuing Agency
  • Meaning of Street
  • What is Public Address in Registers
  • Complement meaning
  • issuing agency
  • SSP

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