Meaning of Sina (What it is, Concept and Definition)

fate is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language that means destiny, fate, luck.

The word sina comes from Latin sign and it is often described as a calamity or an unavoidable fate. In most cases, the term fate is used to describe a situation that was already "written in the stars" and that is not pleasant for the person who is subject to that condition.

"I wasn't the one who chose to be constantly rejected by the people I love. But it looks like it's my lot."

As fate is one of the synonyms of destiny, and destiny is a very complex and interesting concept, several artists have written about this theme. In the world of music, sina is one of the songs belonging to the album "Luz", released in 1982 by Brazilian artist Djavan.

Sina Weibo

Sina weibo is a Chinese website launched in 2009 by the company SINA, which is a kind of hybrid between twitter and facebook. In 2012 the site had more than 368 million registered users. Every day around 100 million messages are introduced on the site.

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