Latest Meanings (116)

Definition of thermal equilibrium

Thermal equilibrium occurs when two bodies - initially at different temperatures - come into contact and after a heat transfer process, they reach the same temperature. The heat, given name...

meaning of the flag of canada

The current flag of Canada is made up of two red vertical rectangles at the tips and a white square in the middle, with the maple leaf image in red. This sheet has 11 points and is a...

meaning of russian flag

The Russian flag is tricolor, with horizontal stripes in white, blue and red - from top to bottom. All stripes are the same height and the flag has a 2:3 ratio, that is, if it is...

meaning of epic

Epic is a word that classifies a heroic action, which can be based on established or invented facts - from the Latin "epicus". Epic is also used to describe a memorable, extraordinary,...

Definition of Ontological

Ontological is an adjective that defines everything that concerns ontology, that is, that investigates the nature of reality and existence. It is said that something is ontological when, from a philosophical point of view,...

Definition of Philosophy of Education

It is the field of philosophy that examines, clarifies and directs the objectives, methods and pedagogical actions of an educational institution. The philosophy of education can influence the choice of subjects...

Meaning of Conduct

Conduct is a manifestation of the way an individual or group behaves in society, based on the beliefs, cultures, moral and ethical values ​​they follow. Usually this manifestation...

meaning of border

A boundary is a physical or artificial line that separates geographical areas and is known primarily for being political boundaries and separating countries. A boundary also describes the area...

Definition of Helen of Troy

In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy was called the most beautiful woman in the world. Daughter of the god Zeus with the mortal Leda, she was known for playing an important role in the Trojan War, a story...

Meaning of INSS

INSS stands for National Institute of Social Security. It is an autarchy that was created in 1990 from the merger of the Institute of Financial Administration of Social Security and Social Assistance (IAPAS) with...

Definition of Axiology

Axiology, also called the theory of value, is the practical philosophical study that seeks to understand the nature of values ​​and value judgments and how they arise in society. Axiology is intimately...

Meaning of Fruits

Despite being a widely used term, the word "fruit" is actually an unofficial designation given to sweet-tasting fruits. In other words, "fruit" doesn't exist in the vocabulary...

Definition of Industrial Capitalism

Industrial capitalism (or industrialism) was the second stage of capitalism, which emerged in England in the 18th century with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Industrial capitalism has replaced the model...

Definition of economic blocks

Economic blocs consist of the union of different countries that wish to establish a strengthened economic relationship with each other. The economic blocks aim to facilitate trade between...

Characteristics of Capitalism

Capitalism is the predominant socioeconomic system in the contemporary world. Its main objective is to make profits and accumulate wealth. The capitalist system emerged in the mid-fifteenth century,...

Popular Meanings (2)

meaning of easterEaster is an important celebration of the Christian church in honor of the resur...

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Popular Meanings (9)

meaning of pansexualPansexual is the individual who appreciates and is attracted to people of all...

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Philosophy and Sociology (3)

meaning of helenismHellenism, also known as the Hellenistic period, was a period of history that ...

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