Meaning of Sarcasm and Examples

the sarcasm is a figure of speech used to affront or offend someone, or a group. In general, sarcasm is used to ridicule the other, using aggressive language.

Sarcasm is a word originating from the Greek sarkasmós which means mockery, mockery, mockery.

One sarcastic person che usually makes clear the use of hostility in his speech, even if indirectly. Example: “I'm looking in my diary for the day I asked for your opinion about my life..”

A sarcastic individual uses a specific way of speaking, with the aim of offending or ridiculing the other person.

Often, the sarcastic person also says phrases that are apparently flattering, but with an intonation that conveys both sarcasm and offense. Example: "Wow, how smart you are."

As a style figure, the use of sarcasm stands out in literature and in the art of public speaking (oratory). In literature, satire is a poetic composition rich in sarcasm, with the aim of pointing out and ridiculing the defects of a society, focusing on a particular theme.

In conclusion, sarcasm is a more bitter and provocative kind of irony, becoming almost an insult.

Irony is an inversion of the real meaning of something in a given context. When you say the opposite of what you think, for example. Despite the function of criticizing and censoring something or someone, irony is a more moderate reaction than sarcasm.

examples of sarcasm

  • Ma'am, there's a bit of a face on your makeup.
  • Wait a minute, I'm trying to imagine what you would be like if you had a brain.
  • Your perfume is good. How long have you been submerged in it?
  • You need a plastic surgeon, not a doctor.
  • I'm looking for a box to keep your opinion and then throw it away.
  • I don't know what you need more: common sense or psychiatrist.
  • You are unforgettable, wherever you go you leave a despicable mark.
  • What an incredible speech you made! How much insignificant time in your life have you wasted writing?

Difference between sarcasm and irony

Sarcasm is characterized by having the objective to despise, offend or make fun of something or someone. It consists of a kind of insulting irony.

Irony, on the other hand, is more moderate, not having as its purpose the mocking content of sarcasm. Irony represents the expression of an idea that is the opposite of what a person actually thinks.

See too:

  • Funny phrases to understand what sarcasm is
  • Irony
  • Speech figure examples
  • Hypocrisy
  • What is mocking?
  • Cynicism

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