Rejected is when a request or request It was not accepted, what there was no order, or what the person requested did not happen.
Rejected is when something was not attended to, regardless of the reason, then it receives the status of rejected.
Rejected is a term widely used in juridical area, for example, in a hearing when one of the parties makes a request, and the judge denies, that request was rejected, that is, it was not accepted, so the person will not be able to proceed with the process, or with what they had requested.
Rejected can be used for any type of request, such as proofreading, voting, visa, it is anything that did not happen as the applicant expected it to happen, often without reason.
When a person requests a certain benefit, that request can be granted (when the right to the benefit is recognized) or rejected (when the person is not entitled to the benefit. When a request is rejected, it is often possible to file an appeal with a responsible instance (INSS, for example), so that the request can be analyzed again.
Deferred is the opposite of rejected, it is when a request or request is accepted, then receives the status of deferred, and the person can proceed with their action, process, etc.
See also the meaning of Deferred with appeal.