10 Free Online Course Options for Studying at Home; see the list!

With the pandemic of new coronavirus, some emergency measures have been adopted. Many companies have opted for home office and educational institutions are carrying out distance education (EaD) activities.

During the quarantine period, when everyone is recommended to stay indoors, the online courses are one of the options to occupy the time.

Some Brazilian institutions, such as FGV, USP and Sebrae, have offered free online training in different areas, so that people can train. In addition to these, internationally recognized universities seek to help in the search for knowledge, as is the case of Harvard University.

See below for a list with 10 platforms to take online and free courses!

1. Digital Innovation One (digitalinnovation.one)

The software developer career development and education company, Digital Innovation One, offers free courses, from beginner to advanced level, in the area of ​​programming languages, such as javascript, PHP and python. Upon completion of the studies, a free completion certificate is offered.

2. Virtual School (ev.org.br)

Fundação Bradesco's Virtual School is one of the most outstanding EaD educational platforms in Brazil. With an average workload of 10 hours, there are more than 80 courses in the areas of administration, accounting and finance, personal and professional development, information technology and pedagogy.

3. Getúlio Vargas Foundation (www5.fgv.br/fgvonline/Cursos/Gratuito)

The website of Getúlio Vargas Foundation offers over 50 free courses in the areas of business strategy, finance, management, marketing and other related areas. The trainings are of short and medium duration, with workloads ranging from five to 15 hours.

4. Insper (coursera.org/insper)

The Institute of Education and Research (Insper) has four free online courses. Introduction to Analytical Marketing, Conscious Capitalism, Operations Management and Administration financial. The courses do not offer a certificate of completion, but if you want to issue it, you must pay US$29 to purchase the document.

5. MIT (ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/)

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the world's top universities, offers a variety of free online courses. Most of these are in the fields of science and technology, but there are offers in other fields such as architecture, arts, economics and history.

On the website, it is possible to view courses in progress and those with open enrollment. It is worth noting that the classes are, for the most part, offered in English.

6. Perestroika (perestroika.com.br/online/vailaefica)

The school of creative methodologies, Perestroika, offers one of its courses, Clip, free of charge during the quarantine. The classes refer to the theme of collaboration, network thinking and interdependence. In addition, Perestroika offers a 30% discount to students who enter the VAILAEFICA coupon when purchasing an online course until April 19th.

Check out some free courses
  • Free Online Inclusive Education Course
  • Free Online Children's Learning and Toy Library Course
  • Free Online Math Games Course in Early Childhood Education
  • Free Online Pedagogical Cultural Workshops Course

7. Sebrae (sebrae.com.br/sites/PortalSebrae/cursosonline)

The Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) offers more than 100 courses, with the load from 2 to 40 hours, in the areas of entrepreneurship, people management, market and sales, legislation, among others.

8. Senai (eadsenaies.com.br)

The National Service for Industrial Learning (Senai) is known for its professional training courses available in on-site units. In addition to these, it has options for EaD courses, such as the 15 free ones available. With an average duration of 12 hours, the training is in areas such as business communication, entrepreneurship and finance.

9. Harvard University (edx.org/school/harvardx)

THE Harvard University is one of the most highly regarded in the world of education and is offering hundreds of free online courses in different areas such as data science, law, statistics, history, literature and schedule.

The courses range from introductory to intermediate level and are taught in English. In order to have a certificate of completion, a fee must be paid, which varies depending on the course taken.

10. USP (coursera.org/usp)

THE USP it is considered one of the best universities in Brazil and offers 16 online courses totally free for the community. Among them are Startup Creation, Digital Marketing and X/UI: Fundamentals for Interface Design. Classes are taught by PhD and post-doctoral professors, on the Coursera platform, and a fee of US$29 is required to issue the certificate.

Read too:

  • 40 Sites to find free online courses and occupy your mind in quarantine
  • Educational platforms free up free resources for studying at home
  • Federal Government Virtual School offers 156 free online courses with certificate
  • FGV, Senai and Udemy offer 100 free online courses with a certificate
  • Quarantine – Free online courses to help your career

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