SISU 2020: MPF recommends to MEC suspension of SISU registration

Due to inconsistencies in the notes of the National High School Exam (And either) 2019, O Federal Public Ministry (MPF) recommended to the federal government the suspension of registration of the Unified Selection System (Sisu) 2020, as well as the change in the process schedule.

The request was made yesterday afternoon, 22. According to the MPF, the Minister of Education, the secretary of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) received the document.

THE Federal Attorney for Citizens' Rights (PFDC), the PFDC Working Group on Human Rights Education and the Regional Attorney for Citizens' Rights in Minas Gerais signed the recommendation.

The MEC is under no obligation to accept the request. However, the MPF warns that the "deadline for complying with the Recommendation is 24 hours and its non-compliance may imply the adoption of appropriate administrative and judicial measures".

According to the note from the MPF, the purpose of the request for suspension of Sisu is to ensure that Inep has enough time to check the feedback of all Enem 2019 candidates. The note also highlights the large number of complaints from process participants already received by the agency.

Judicial actions

Half of the lawsuits are popular, that is, lawsuits filed by a group of people. One of them requests the suspension, another, the extension of Sisu's term, as well as the review of Enem 2019 notes.

The remaining two are: an individual action that demands clarifications about the feedback and a writ of mandamus requesting new fix and grade correction of the exam.


In a press release, the MEC announced that "it will shortly forward the requested clarifications to the Federal Public Ministry".

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However, last Monday, 21, Inep had already reported that all evidence from the 3.9 million participants had been analyzed. Among them, Inep "identified inconsistencies in the scores of 5,974 participants of the Enem 2019, which represents 0.15% of the total attendance".

On the afternoon of Wednesday, January 22, representatives of Inep met at the headquarters of the Attorney General's Office (PGR). Once again, Alexandre Lopes, president of the organ, claimed that no candidate will be harmed, considering that the problem of grades was solved before the opening of Sisu's registrations. But, to ensure equal conditions for candidates who had the wrong grades disclosed, the MEC decided to extend the deadline for the process.

Error in correction of Enem 2019

Last Friday, the 17th, as soon as the Enem 2019 notes were released, complaints and reports on social networks about the different evaluations between candidates with the same number of correct answers or with scores close to zero, even though with a high number of hits.

On Saturday, 18, the Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, and the president of Inep, Alexandre Lopes, confirmed the errors in test scores of the second day. But, they were considered by them as just “a very small group”.

However, on Sunday 19, Inep informed that it is carrying out a task force to review the grades of the two days of the Enem 2019 test.

After execution, were found failures in 5,974 tests. Of these, 96.7% were concentrated in four municipalities, three in Minas Gerais and one in Bahia: Alagoinhas (BA); Ituiutaba (MG); Iturama (MG) and Viçosa (MG).

In a press conference last Monday, 20th, the president of Inep, Alexandre Lopes, claimed that the error was made by the printing company Valid Soluções SA.

Lopes explained that the printer prints the questions book, identified with a bar code. Afterwards, it prints the answer card (template) generating a code. Another machine binds both documents together. Thus, the error occurred in the union and generation of the barcode.

*With information from G1

See too: Sisu offers 237,128 places in 128 public higher education institutions

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