Even numbers lesson plan

The difficulty many students have in understanding and systematizing mathematical concepts is remarkable. Even the concept of pair numbers it should be so natural, but it can seem too abstract.

A fun way to get kids to learn about even numbers is by understanding that these numbers can be grouped two by two.

Below, we present a even numbers lesson plan with suggestions for games and activities to teach the little ones about such numbers.

Lesson plan - Notion of even numbers - Elementary School

THEME: Notions of even numbers

SUGGESTED TIME: around 2 hours and 20 minutes.

BNCC SKILLS: (EF01MA05) – Compare natural numbers of up to two orders in everyday situations, with and without number line support.


  • Acquire notions about even numbers;
  • Realize that even numbers can form groups of two by two.


  • Children's music of your choice;
  • Any device to play the music;
  • White cardboard;
  • Cardboard in two different colors (or cardboard);
  • Clothes buttons (paper ball, if you prefer);
  • Glue, scissors, ruler, writing brushes.


1st activity: Play “Each one looks for a pair”

The game works like this:

Put on a fun song to play. Meanwhile, students must blend into the middle of the room and move around. When the music stops, everyone needs to look for a partner to pair up!

prank to recognize even numbers
A game to create notions about even numbers.

You can divide the class into two, three or more groups of students and repeat the game.

The idea is that they realize that sometimes everyone will find a match, sometimes not.

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To round off this activity, you could ask students to see if they can pair up with the crayons they have in their kit, or with notebooks, books, etc.

Discuss with them the idea that some numbers are pairs and others do not.

2nd activity: Number poster 

If students already have some idea about even numbers, this is an opportune time to identify even numbers between 1 and 10.

The number chart should be prepared before class.

Poster suggestion:

  • Make 10 rectangular cards, 5 of one color and 5 of another color, for example blue and yellow.
  • On the blue cards write the even numbers and on the yellow cards write the odd numbers.
  • Nail the cards to white cardstock, following the order of the numbers.
  • Below the number, sew buttons, lined up, according to the card number. If number 4, 4 buttons.
  • Circle the buttons, two by two. If the number is odd, the last button in the row will be uncirculated.

Show each number card to the students, go over the idea of ​​pairing with them, and ask them to identify which are the even numbers between 1 and 10.

3rd activity: Even numbers in the human body

Are we going to reinforce the idea of ​​even numbers? Select an odd number of students, three for example, and ask them to come forward.

Then explore even numbers by considering the number of some member or part of the human body.

Ask questions like: Is the number of eyes even? Is the number of heads even? And the number of arms?

The intention is that they realize that the number will be even when each student has a pair of that member and start answering the questions without having to count.


The assessment can be made based on the behavior and participation of students in each activity and observing the perception that students create about even numbers.

To download this lesson plan in PDF, click here!

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